Attract, Connect, Reward.
A community passionate about a cause

With Divi there is something for everyone

Philanthropy is an important contributor to the reputation of any brand.  The two most critical attributes of a successful giving program are relevance and visibility.

Community partnerships or responding to adhoc community requests can be expensive in both time and money, they may only be relevant to a subset of customers and have limited recognition from your target community.

Opengiving has created an alternative that delivers relevance and visibility while removing almost all the overheads enabling a greater proportion toward the end causes. Divi distributes your philanthropic budget based on the exact wishes of every customer.

Divi also provides a simple mechanism to allow customers to donate any rewards that accrue from loyalty programs, feedback, new product trials or any other incentive based programs.

Divi invites you to be part of a major transformation for goodness’ sake.

How Does it work?

  • Businesses integrate a Divi API or select a platform that already supports it.
  • Businesses create a profile that outlines their philanthropy budget, donatable rewards and redemption mechanism.
  • Customers download the Divi App and select the charities they support
  • Customers use the Divi App to earn their share for their charity.
  • Divi distributes the funds monthly across every recipient charity.

Customer Acquisition Tool

The Divi App containing your businesses or rewards profile is available to the supporters of every Australian charity. This provides a powerful way of attracting significant numbers of new customers that are motivated to engage in support of their favourite charity. Divi also provides the ability for customers to instantly enrol in your loyalty program, open an account or connect for any reason.


Relevance & Visibility

Your customers have chosen their favourite charity based on unique and very personal reasons. They have already satisfied themselves on all the metrics around social impact, efficiency, and alignment with their causes. By allowing them to vote on the distribution of your philanthropy you have created absolute relevance. Visibility is created by making giving part of every interaction and communication.


Enhanced Loyalty

Divi provides a simple process for customers to donate rewards accrued from loyalty and reward programs. This can significantly enhance the desirability of your rewards program and create a sense of partnership around a shared cause.


The Halo Effect

Discounting often signals a lack of demand for a product or service. Offering a donation to a selected charity as an alternative can provide the same demand stimulus with the added advantage of aligning your brand with a cause that your customer is passionate about.

Unlimited use cases

There are so many ways that a donation to a customer’s charity can be used to reward or encourage customer engagements. Donations can be used for surveys, product trials, opening an account, renewing a contract or any other outcome unique to your business.

Ad hoc community requests

Many Businesses receive ad hoc community request to support local initiatives or projects. Businesses can support these requests by promoting them to their existing customers either in store or on-line. Customers that choose to support these initiatives will earn a share of your philanthropy along with any other Divi businesses they engage with.

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